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CSP Inspecting the Work of “20th CPC National Congress” Security Project Team

时间:2022-11-23 10:12:25    

In order to strengthen the management of on-duty project personnel and maintain the integrity of the group, the Inspection Team led by the manager of the Operation Supervision Department of China Security & Protection Group (“CSP”) conducted a meticulous inspection on November 11, 2022 on the Project Team stationed at Xizhimen Hotel, provided guidance on their work, and comforted the security team members who were on duty in a closed manner during the “20th CPC National Congress”.


The Inspection Team checked the duty performing of the team members and reviewed the duty records of each post according to the requirement in the customer contract. The on-duty team members were full of spirit and energy, and were able to maintain dignified bearing and use standardized languages. The Inspection Team extended heartful appreciation to the members on duty on behalf of the executives of CSP.

The on-duty project manager reported in detail their work in successfully fulfilling the security tasks during the 20th CPC National Congress in cooperation with the owner, Xicheng District Public Security Bureau, and Xinjiekou Police Station, and reported the plan and various measures taken for the annual Two Sessions and the leading cadre security tasks.

After the reporting session, the Inspection Team carefully checked the archives, contracts, security certificates, veteran and meritorious certificates, etc. of the on-duty project personnel. The inspection team reviewed the records on fire training and drills, explosion-proof training and drills, health code scanning and temperature check for epidemic prevention and control, and the team members' learning of various management policies and epidemic prevention manuals issued by CSP. Moreover, it reviewed the conversation records between the manager and team members, weekly meetings, emergency plans and measures, etc. Information and pictures were provided for the inspection.

After reviewing all these materials, the Inspection Team visited the dormitory of the team members to ask about whether they were satisfied with their work, the management, their salary and living conditions, etc. All the team members who were asked said they were satisfied. The Inspection Team fully recognized the security services of all the project team members during the past “Two Sessions” and the successful completion of the security assistance task during the “20th CPC National Congress”.

The on-duty project manager expressed his heartfelt thanks to the group leaders for their care and support on behalf of all the team members, and showed his resolution to always put the interests and fame of the customer and CSP first. He promised to strictly supervise team members to study and implement the rules and regulations issued by the security supervision authority and CSP, to successfully complete all the tasks assigned by the customer and CSP, and to contribute to the stable development of CSP.




